Hospital to Home information for families

Hospital to Home (H2H)

We recognise that the loss of your baby or young infant is one of the most devastating experiences any family will go through, and how incredibly overwhelming you may be feeling on returning to your home without your little one.  Hospital to Home is here to ensure that no family falls through the gap and goes without bereavement support once you are home.

We recognise that everyone’s grief is different, as is the support everyone will need following such a traumatic time.  Hospital to Home (H2H) support provides face to face compassionate, bespoke and targeted short-term support once you are home, with the key aim of supporting and ‘holding’ your family through these early days and weeks following your loss; providing emotional and practical support tailored to your individual family’s journey.

Support can include assistance with planning funeral/memorial arrangements, help to prepare for and attend follow up hospital appointments, provision of information on grief to you and extended family, advice and support around returning to work, help to talk to siblings and the provision of books for home and school.

This support is available for any family who has experienced a loss after 12 weeks and we offer 6-8 sessions with your family in your home. Thereafter we can refer onwards to our longer-term Peer Support or Counselling Service, as appropriate.  There is no end to our care and compassion, and we will journey with you at the pace that feels right for you and your family.

Hospital to Home support staff are experienced in supporting early stages of grief and understand the shock and trauma you may be feeling.  They work in partnership with you and your family to support you through these early days and weeks following the loss of your baby.

Please note, this is a pilot project currently only available to families in Fife, Forth Valley, Highland and the Lothians.