Parents’ Stories

If you are a newly bereaved parent, we hope that these touching stories from other families about their precious babies, will give you some comfort at this difficult time.

Parents’ Stories


My husband, Euan, and I were so thrilled to find out that we were pregnant with our first born. The […]

Matthew Phillips

Matthew Phillips  ‘Grieving for someone is the ultimate act of love, and it is certainly not an act that we [...]

Henry Sanderson

I like to believe that everything happens for a reason and when we found out we were pregnant in August 2019 and due in April 2020, it felt like everything was falling into place. The usual worries that come with early pregnancy were in full swing but the excitement around being pregnant…


The happiest day of my life was 25 March 2013 when I found out I was pregnant with my first child.  Having been with my partner, Gavin, for over 8 years it felt so right…


After 4 long years of me and my girlfriend trying with fertility treatment, we had done it! We found out we were having a baby and everything was textbook perfect.  I had reached my 20 week scan and we found out we were having a boy! Everything looked great…


Lilly was my third pregnancy, I have a daughter Hannah 8 years old and a son Liam 5 years old. We found out I was pregnant sept 2010 everything seemed to be going fine…


It’s been 4 years and 4 months we have lived so much longer without her than with her. I am proud to say I am a survivor, however I am still healing because I am still…


Laci was my third child, a lovely surprise. I had a text book pregnancy, one of my easiest actually. All was perfect until I was 37+4 weeks and I felt no movement so…

In Loving Memory

My wife and I came to find SANDS Lothians after we lost our twins at 23 weeks. Having twins was not something we had ever expected as there was no history of twins…

Molly & Grace

We found out we were pregnant with Molly in mid-December 2010, 5 months after our wedding. We were delighted, but couldn’t help worry as we had miscarried at 6 weeks…

Findlay Francis Mcmillan

The happiest day of my life was 25 March 2013 when I found out I was pregnant with my first child.  Having been with my partner, Gavin, for over 8 years it felt so right…

Lara Docherty

by the Monday I decided that I needed some more reassurance.  This time, because I was coming up to 34 weeks, I was sent straight to the hospital to have a trace…

Aidan Michael Philip

Our son, Aidan Michael, was born on 4th September 2005 after a fairly uneventful pregnancy.  Towards the end, I was aware that our baby didn’t seem to move around…

Eve Lowrie Burns

Taking a deep breath Ros begins “Four and a half years ago on 24th December 2007, I was 32 weeks pregnant. We’d had the usual Sunday before Christmas…

Jennifer Bates

Everybody said “you just have to get on with it.” Everybody said  “it was different times”. Everybody said “the best thing to do is have another one will help to get over it.”

Bethany Sneddon

Bethany is the little girl I never thought I could have, after losing two babies early in pregnancy in 2008, 2009, having my beautiful son Caleb in 2010 and then another precious baby at 10 weeks in 2018…


I loved you from the moment I learned that I was pregnant with you. You have no idea how elated we were after our first scan and that we had a viable pregnancy. You have no idea how much you were longed for and how much love we all have for you. I honestly felt you had been gifted to us – you have been gifted to us.