We recognise that a pregnancy after a loss can be a difficult time for many parents, as this can be an anxious time thinking about the next baby. We understand that another baby will not, and does not, replace your precious baby that died and we fully appreciate
how anxious you may feel at this time.
We have a separate monthly support group for families, as well as a closed Facebook page, so you can have the opportunity to chat and meet face to face with other families who find themselves pregnant again. A midwife attends these meetings to offer help & support and can help guide you on where to seek advice regarding any concerns you may have. The meeting is also run by one of our trained Peer Supporters.
Articles for support:
What they don’t tell you about rainbow babies. Bailey Gaddis
A rainbow, not a replacement. Elizabeth Thoma
Five ways to refocus your pregnancy after loss journey on you. Anne Mathay