David walks tall to remember Madelyn

We are so grateful to David Buchan who is doing The Mighty Stride at the Edinburgh Kiltwalk this year in memory of his precious granddaughter Madelyn. He and his partner Peter, have been an incredible support to us and SiMBA, Simpson’s Memory Box Appeal raising huge amounts of money through coffee mornings (picture here) and other events and we truly can’t thank them enough. He said:
“We do it because we love helping all these special charities who have overwhelmingly helped our family over the last three years,” he explains.“We get a buzz from knowing that others will benefit from what we raise.”
Thank you so much David and we can’t wait to cheer you both over that finish line at Murrayfield in a couple of weeks, You can read his full story here – https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/david-walks-tall-to-remember-madelyn-1-4791933