Hero Scott running the Kilomathon to support his stepdaughter

We are so grateful to Scott Alexander for choosing to support us and run the Kilomathon 13.1km challenge on Sunday 8th April. He is raising funds for us, after seeing his step-daughter Louise endure the unthinkable tragedy of losing five babies in recent years, he said:

Investigation into why Louise could not carry, revealed a heart shaped uterus. This condition restricts the room in which the baby can grow, therefore limiting the chances of a successful carriage. She has now had corrective surgery so hopefully success will follow the next time she conceives.”

On why he chose us to support, he stated:

“I chose to fundraise for SANDS Lothians after the fourth baby, which Louise carried to 24 weeks and had to give birth to. She went to some SANDS meetings and they helped her see she was not alone in having to go through these tragic events.

“Further to this, SANDS also help the fathers as they can often be forgotten about in these situations. When a baby is lost, as well as the mother suffering, there is often a whole family behind them suffering too. Fathers, siblings, grandparents, aunties and uncles all miss out on first birthdays, first Christmases, first day of school, exam results; all events that can now never be shared, only dreamt about.”

You can read more of his story and support him here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/scott-alexander

If you would like to join Scott and take part in the Kilomathon, there is still time. Email tracy@sands-lothians.org.uk to become part of the team x