Huge welcome to Vikki, our new Befriender! x

We are absolutely delighted to share that we have a new Befriender, Vikki, who joined the team over the summer. We are so pleased she has come on board, at a time when we are seeing more and more families coming for support. Welcome Vikki 🙂 Here is her story in her own words: “My name is Vikki and I first got in touch with Held In Our Hearts about five and a half years ago. Two days before our wedding day we were told the words during a routine scan that no expectant mother wants to hear, “I’m so sorry”. Our baby girl, Angelica, had a condition called anencephaly which, unfortunately, is incompatible with life. One week after hearing those words, our little girl was born. I had no idea just how difficult the next steps in my journey were going to be, but due to go back to work in the coming weeks, working on the same maternity ward I delivered Angelica on, I needed to talk to someone who understood. And Held In Our Hearts came into my life. I got in touch with the charity and was befriended by the wonderful Nicola. The compassion and empathy she had was a massive part of helping me on my journey. Since that moment, I always knew I wanted to give back to this amazing charity. December of 2020 was when I got back in touch to see what I could do to help. I started befriending this year and became part of the team in June. It really is the most amazing work this charity provides and I feel so privileged to be a part of it.”