Launch of our bereavements cards

We are so pleased to share about the launch of our bereavement cards. The cards are unique to our charity and use sensitive words and beautiful images to convey thoughts and support when a baby dies or on a little ones anniversary. We know how difficult it is to find an appropriate card or find the words and when we researched what was available we struggled to find something which ‘spoke to us’ – so we decided to do something about it and design our own.

We are so grateful to Catalina Ospina for making this happen in collaboration with 3rd year students at Edinburgh Napier University Morningside Campus. These are now on sale for £2 via our website and will shortly be in our charity shop on South Clerk Street too. We hope they will give comfort to families and speak to their broken hearts. Please do spread the word for us, so others know these are available to give to someone at a difficult time in their life. There are 24 in total so please do have a look in our SANDS Lothians – online shop