Launch of Lyle’s Light – new twin and multiple loss group

Children and young people often struggle to cope or express their feelings, when their brother or sister dies. We are looking to provide support to siblings through the gifting of age appropriate books about the loss of their brother, sister or twin. This is due to the incredibly generous support of one family, who wanted to do something to remember their precious daughter, Lyle.

We are also launching a twin and multiple loss support group for families.  A place to get support and meet others who have experienced something similar.  You can join our Facebook closed group and chat with others who understand.  We are also holding our first zoom group meeting for twin loss on Tuesday 15th September at 8pm.  We will share details on the Facebook page or email if you would like more information.   

This is Jamie’s story:

“In August 2019 I had two beautiful twin girls, Lyle and Alba, who were born at 35 weeks gestation.  Initially the girls seemed well however over the next three weeks we were readmitted to hospital several times with both girls and we had some very scary moments. Three days after our last discharge from hospital, I woke at 1am to find that our eldest twin had stopped breathing. Despite everyone’s best efforts Lyle couldn’t be brought back and my perfect family was utterly devastated. In that moment our lives changed forever. 

In the early days, in addition to missing Lyle desperately and being overwhelmed with sadness and grief, I also felt joy because I had little Alba who was just so wonderful. My life now feels very bittersweet as every happy occasion is also tinged with sadness that Lyle isn’t here with us.  I hope that this twin support group will allow other bereaved twin parents to access the support they need as the loss of a twin or twins has a slightly different dimension.”