Mum Lisa does Seven Hills Challenge in memory of daughter Ivy Jean xx

This week, Heather and Angie had the pleasure of cheerleading in Lisa Gallagher and her amazing crew of friends and colleagues from HSBC who completed the Seven Hills of Edinburgh Challenge, ending at our Craiglockhart office. The gruelling challenge was done in one day and was in the searing heat at the beginning of the week. They all did incredibly well, managing despite the heat and were in good spirits at the end of such a long and hill filled day and are set to raise over £2,000 for their brilliant efforts! Lisa and her team took on this Seven Hills Event in memory of her and her husband John’s precious daughter Ivy Jean, who was born sleeping on the 19th July 2018. This challenge was one of many that Lisa, John and their wider family, friends and colleagues have done in support of our work and we truly can’t thank them enough for helping us to continue to raise funds to support our work.