New parent to parent post mortem animation

We are very proud to launch our latest project with involves our inspiring families on our website. This parent to parent post mortem animation was the idea of paediatric pathologist Dr Margaret Evans as she was keen to communicate information to parents about a post mortem in a way that would help them make an informed choice at a devastating time. Together we knew this had to involve bereaved parents voices as this is the only authentic voice that speaks to another family going through this. We are so grateful to all our families who got involved via email, being part of the storyboards and recording their voices. We can’t thank you enough for your time, courage and contributions. Thanks also to Kate George at Kate George Design, Elinor Evans for her bespoke clarsach music and Alex Cornish for recording and editing. Huge thank you to Dr Evans for showing such care and compassion to our families and all her help in making this happen.
Tracy and I attended the MBRRACE conference today where it was shown by Clea Harmer CEO of Sands. This animation will be used in NHS Lothian and many other Health Boards have approached us regarding using this. Bereaved parents supporting bereaved parents – humanity at its best.