Our Christmas Remembrance Service x

We would love you to join us for our annual Christmas Remembrance Service online. We invite you to join us from the comfort of your own home on Sunday 6th December at 2pm to light a candle, listen to music and readings and remember with others who understand. The service will be pre recorded and will be available publicly on Facebook from 2pm or you can choose to join at another time over the coming weeks.

As Reverend Gordon Kennedy reads out your precious baby’s name, we will hang a star on the Christmas tree at Craiglockhart Church, which will remain there over the festive season along with all the other babies’ stars loved and remembered. Please email info@heldinourhearts.org.uk by Sunday 29th November if you would like your baby’s name to be read out at the service. We hope you can join us on the 6th Dec as we remember together.