Our theme for July x

For the month of July our theme is ‘Courage,’ and our flower is the beautiful rose. Traditionally, the rose symbolises feelings of love, passion and beauty, but the beautiful red rose also represents great courage. At Held In Our Hearts, we know from our own lived experience the pain losing a precious baby brings, and the difficult and challenging journey that we face as bereaved parents. We also know the courage it takes for a bereaved parent to reach out and make that first call or email asking for help. We see instances of courage all throughout our incredible community, and it is amazing to see how we are able to support one another, even in times of grief. From fundraising, to our runners, to our wonderful knitters, our Peer Supporters, volunteers, our cheerleaders, and our courageous bereaved parents who so often share their stories of their little ones. Please join us in the month of July as we come together as one courageous community, reflecting upon the love we feel for our precious babies x