Our theme for September x

Our theme for the month of September is strength, and our monthly flower is the beautiful sunflower. It has been said that the sunflower worships the sun because the blooms have been thought to face the sun as it slowly moves and travels across the sky each day. No matter how small or how little light there is, sunflowers are believed to seek out the light and hold their heads high as if in worship and adoration of the sun. It is for this reason that sunflowers represent strength and loyalty. For bereaved parents, strength can mean many different things. For some, strength is shown in the way that a precious baby is remembered in a way that is special to them, for others, strength is using their own grief to support others walking a similar journey, like our incredible peer supporters. Strength can also mean facing the challenges of grief one day at a time, in a personal way that brings you comfort. We know from experience that strength is not any one thing, but is something that bereaved parents all have inside after experiencing the loss of a precious baby. We have seen so many incredible experiences of strength within our community; from sharing your own personal stories of loss and grief, to supporting other bereaved parents, and fundraising to ensure that we can continue our vital compassionate care – strength is something we all have in our community, even if we may not always feel it, it is there as we take this journey one day at a time. For the month of September join us as we come together as one united community, and just like the sunflower, we will look to the sun and be guided by the special memory of our precious babies and the strength that it takes to do so x