Our hero Paul Brown – 7 marathons in 7 days

Our community hero, Paul Brown, achieved an incredible 7 marathons in 7 days during Baby Loss Awareness Week. He chose to do this gruelling physical and mental challenge to show his continued support to our work, while pushing himself to the limit in order to raise awareness of baby loss in this special week.

Paul ran a marathon a day during the week and then joined ‘Jenna’s Journey Home’ on Saturday to support Fraser, who is also one of his personal training clients. His challenge culiminated in the Rannoch Marathon on Sunday 15th October.

Paul said of the challenge; “I want to continue to raise awarenss of baby loss and that it affects thousands of parents in the UK every year. I also hope that by raising awareness I encourage others to come forward and speak about their loss, showing them that in SANDS Lothians they have a community of people all united together to listen and help them through in their time of need.”

We are so grateful to Paul for his tireless committment to our work, both in raising funds for our work, but also much needed awareness too. We are truly in awe of what he is capable of doing and he really is 1 in a million. Thank you so much. x