Niall Darroch to run Men’s 10k in son’s memory

We are delighted that Niall Darroch has chosen to run for us in the Edinburgh Men’s 10k on Sunday 5th November 2017.

Niall and his wife Becca’s son Ryan was stillborn in September 2015. Niall recalls:

“I remember Becca getting whisked off and they told me Ryan had been stillborn, it was like being sideswiped by a car, it’s just the worst news anyone can ever tell you. Nothing can ever come close to that feeling of shock, that one minute life is going one way and in an instant it just completely changes; I can’t describe it.

Although we are lucky to have really supportive family and friends, the expert support SANDS could give really made the difference in coming to terms with Ryan’s stillbirth. We are able to think of him with love and pride, and being able to talk about such a difficult subject hopefully reduces the taboo that bereaved parents sometimes feel.”

Niall has previously fundraised for us, doing the Borders Triathlon last year and he said this had allowed him to “feel closer” to his son, adding: “It’s something that has really come to define me as a person. It feels like you can go out there, lace up your running shoes and leave your brain at the door. I feel that fundraising by racing gives me an emotional depth that I struggle to explain and helps me feel closer to my son.

I’m sure that running 10km through my adopted hometown in the company of men all racing for the good of others and themselves will be an emotional experience. Helping SANDS Lothians fund their ongoing work means other families can be helped through difficult times. I knew that there would be a large and diverse group of SANDS Lothians supporters participating in the Edinburgh Men’s 10k, and I’m looking forward to being part of a pack of men with a shared focus.”

We are so grateful for his support and for sharing about precious Ryan. We will be cheering you all the way on the route! x

If you would like to support Niall, you can make a donation here.

If you would like to join him in the Men’s 10k and sign up to be part of Team SANDS Lothians, there is still time – sign up here. Entries are available until 5pm on Wednesday 1st November.