Join us for our 3rd annual Wave of Light walk around Arthur’s Seat x

We welcome you to join us for our third annual Wave of Light walk around Arthur’s Seat at 6:30pm, uniting with families across the world to remember all the precious babies who are loved and missed every day. We will be creating our own Wave of Light around Edinburgh’s iconic, scenic route, so we encourage you to come lit up with lanterns, torches, head torches, even fairy lights! We will also have a limited number of candles and lanterns to give out on the evening. We will walk the route together in memory of all the babies who touched our lives but could not stay. We will stop for a moment of reflection at the top, joining in a global wave of solidarity to remember those little ones not with us. This is open to anyone newly bereaved to longer ago. We will start and finish at the car park at the bottom of Arthur’s Seat by Holyrood Palace, meeting there for some refreshments at the end of our walk – for Covid safety measures, we require you to email us to confirm your attendance of the event on N.B. This is a family friendly event, so children of any age are welcome. Exact meeting location –