Pop by to say hello at Lullabye on Monday 11th x

As many of you will know, Lullaby is an incredibly important memorial for bereaved parents located in the heart of Edinburgh, in the Princes Street Gardens ? During #BabyLossAwarenessWeek, we want to give as many families the opportunity to meet and connect as we can. Connection is an integral part of what we do as a charity, and we always recognise the importance of facilitating this ❤ Next Monday, October 11th between 11 am and 1 pm, Katy and Angie will be at Lullaby, and will be there to connect with any bereaved parent who wishes to take the time to remember their precious baby and reflect on their journey in a safe and supportive space. There will also be an opportunity to collect a windmill and dedicate it to the memory of your precious baby ? Or if you work in the city and want to support our charity and Baby Loss Awareness Week please know that you are more than welcome to stop by too x