Team Simpsons taking on the Edinburgh Marathon Festival

An incredible team of 134 runners from the Edinburgh Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health is set to take part in the Edinburgh Marathon Festival on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th May.

The team of staff, family and friends (Team Simpsons) are running various distances over the two day festival. Team Simpsons have runners entered in every race, including all the junior events.

Team Simpsons are running to raise funds for SANDS Lothians, a local charity which provides support for families who’ve experienced the death of their baby. The funds the team raise will be reinvested into the Simpson Centre for Reproductive health to improve the care of bereaved families across Lothian and support for staff.

Christina Marshall, Midwife RIE, who originally signed up to run EMF with fellow midwife Maria Wood, said:

“SANDS Lothians is one of the charities that we work collaboratively with and signpost families when they leave hospital without their precious baby. They are a small local charity that offers support, understanding and help to bereaved parents. We wanted to give something back in order to help them continue the fantastic work that they do and chose to run in the EMF as it is Scotland’s largest running festival and is an ideal platform to raise awareness of babyloss.”

“As midwives, we are very lucky to share in one of the happiest events in the lives of families as they welcome their baby into the world. However, it is not always a joyous event as some families never get to take their baby home. Maternity staff all too often witness the devastation the death of a baby has – it is the most unimaginable pain. Maternity staff see and support families at the start of this lifelong journey along a path that they can never leave.”

The 134 strong team is made up of midwives, obstetricians, anaesthetists, pathologists, pathology technicians, students, administration and support staff – aged from as young as 5 up to 60 years old.

“The team has brought the whole unit together and there is a massive amount of support and camaraderie for each other. The buzz and excitement it has generated is something very special to be part of. Everyone is highly motivated to do their best running for SANDS Lothians.” said Christina.

“Our youngest runner taking part is 5 year old Hannah Teasdale who’s running the Kids’ Kilometre. She is the daughter of Midwife and 5k runner Laura Teasdale. The oldest runner taking part is recently retired Consultant Obstetrician and Clinical Director for NHS Lothian, Dr Rhona Hughes, who at 60 years old is running the half marathon.”

Their fundraising target is £12,000 and have so far Team Simpsons have held various fundraising events including a race night and raffle in Duddingston Golf Club, and an Easter themed cake sale and chocolate tombola on the labour ward at Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, raising over £1400.

“Our current fundraising total is sitting at just under £10,000, any donations are greatly appreciated.”

You can support Team Simpson’s incredible fundraising efforts here: