Tynecastle High School team win YPI final!

We were delighted to hear that a very inspiring group from Tynecastle High School nominated us for a grant, presented at the final and won. We wanted to say a huge thank you to them for choosing to support us in this way and congratulations on winning!

The YPI is an active citizenship programme that raises awareness amongst young people about philanthropy and their local community. Each participating school, each year is responsible for directing a £3000 YPI Grant to a local charity through a unique programme of team work, research and competition. YPI Scotland is all about creativity and passion, leaving the four walls of the classroom behind, and supporting the issues young people care most about.

The young people from Tynecastle gave a very inspirational and moving presentation about the work we do. The reason that Brandon, Tahima, Nikki, Tamas and Jasmin chose us is because we are a charity close to their hearts. Jasmine’s big sister Melanie was stillborn in 2000 and they knew that raising funds could help so many other parents, in the same way they helped Jasmine’s family. They presented the hospital bag that is given to parents which includes a candle, notebook, keyring, memory card and photo album, so that each parent can store their very precious memories of their babies. They also spoke about how the money would be used to help parents who receive counselling through SANDS Lothians.

We are so grateful to them for choosing us as their charity and it was a real pleasure to meet with them in the office and hear the enthasusiam they have for other fundraising ideas in the future.